Fee Schedules
Fee Schedules
About the Fee Schedules
This information is for general purposes only. Please see specific permit application information within the individual permits for complete details and requirements for your project.
Residential Permit Fees
A $200 deposit for all single-family residences shall be received at the time of application and plan submittal which will be applied to the plan review fee. The plan review fee shall be based on 20% of the building permit fee. Impact fees are not a part of the building permit fee.
The building permit application and documents (plans) shall be active for 180 days from the date of application, at which time if the permit has not been issued, the documents (plans) shall be returned to the applicant and the deposit forfeited to the city. Master Plans or Standard Plans are to be charged a flat rate of $50 after the initial review, provided there are no changes in the plans.
Like-for-Like Replacement
A $30 permit fee for all routine like-for-like replacement of hardwired electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems and appliances for single-family and 2-family residential dwellings. Appliances are those as defined in the International Mechanical and Plumbing Codes and do not include counter top, convenience, laundry, or similar appliances.
Commercial Project Reviews
For commercial project reviews, a fee of 50% of the building permit fee will be applied to the plan review fee. A $400 deposit for new commercial or a $200 deposit for tenant improvements will be received when the plans are submitted. The deposit will be applied to the plan review fee at the time of issuance.
The building permit application and documents (plans) shall be active for 180 days from the date of application, at which time if the permit has not been issued, the documents (plans) shall be returned to the applicant and the deposit forfeited to the city.